Friday, February 24, 2012

Osteoporosis, where the number of bones ...


, << GP >> Osteoporosis, where the number of bone in the body

below what is normal for a person according to their sex and age. Simply put, osteoporosis causes weaker bones, increasing the likelihood

fracture. Osteoporosis itself does not cause symptoms. If this led to a bone fracture, it is not painful condition, as well as type

about. Bone has a complex structure that can achieve the maximum amount of force >> << for the least amount of weight. It can increase its weight in areas that were re

heavy loads, restore themselves when disturbed and is the site of most

blood components (bone marrow). Given the typical bones such as femur (upper leg bone), and cut it through you will see is the outer shell of hard bone. In the middle

space has cellular structures through which incorporates << marrow. >> Bone consists mainly of collagen fibers, which set

down crystals of calcium and phosphate that give bone its ability to withstand

compression and bending forces. As osteoporosis affect the bones? In osteoporosis, osteoclasts usually for many years to dissolve

a little more than bone is replaced, resulting in weak bones. Fractures in victims of osteoporosis, probably in

areas where a large proportion of bone cell type that

less able to take a hit from the fall:

vertebrae in the lower spine. Hips and wrist usually in a fall, while

spine fractures usually occur spontaneously when the weakened vertebra

eventually me energized support body weight. One of three women and 1 in 12 men over the age of 50 will be

suffer hip fracture, wrist and spine resulting from osteoporosis. In total, osteoporosis causes 310,000 fractures in the UK each year.

The estimated cost of treating these fractures is a huge one. 7

billion annually. But the cost of individual may be higher. Fractures can cause severe pain and disability. Fifty percent of people who suffer from hip fracture lose the ability to live independently

. About 20 percent of people who fracture a hip die within cervical year

a result of their destruction. Most people who suffer from osteoporosis fractures >> << not know that state in violation of their bones. Osteoporosis is a recognized condition that is partly because

, organized approach to the identification had not been developed in the UK

As a result, people at high risk of a fracture is not available

. consultation or treatment to reduce risk. Many people who have had fractures due to osteoporosis is

to receive further treatment that helps reduce the chance of them getting

another. There are significant differences in the UK as

amount of effort put into identifying and treating osteoporosis. There are other divisions in the quality of care provided in

people from different social groups. In a recent study in Glasgow, people

most disadvantaged areas to eight times less likely to be transferred to the test >> << to detect osteoporosis than those in rich districts. The Government has recognized shortcomings that exist in the

osteoporosis management at the national level. More funding is slowly coming to the

to expand the services to be used for bone scanning machines to help diagnose >> << and specialists in osteoporosis. What is classified as "abnormally low"? It is normal for bones to get a little weaker every year after age

about 30, when our bones with maximum force. Men usually

more bone mass than women the same age. For several years after women experience >> << speed up bone loss. This is secondary to falling estrogen levels, which

part of the hormone changes of menopause estrogen has a protective effect on >> << strong bones. Determining when abnormally weak bones should consider >> << what is normal for both sexes and different age groups. Modern devices bone scans can measure bone density

and allowed doctors to set the range for normal bone strength. Osteoporosis

Thus, you can diagnose if the bone density measurement face

much lower in comparison with these standards. People also viewed as osteoporosis if they have a

suffered damage too easily, that is low impact or osteoporosis fractures. Fracture of hip, wrist or forearm. It is difficult to classify fractures of the spine, because they occur suddenly >> << and not related to falls sometimes they do not even

accompanied by pain. However, the sudden onset of back pain should suggest there

was collapsed vertebra, possibly due to osteoporosis. Identifying people with osteoporosis after th

suffered a fracture allows efforts at prevention should focus on them. This can reduce the chance of suffering another fracture later. Various factors are known to increase the rate at which bone loss

. reasons related to other medical conditions or

drug therapy. Here are the basic conditions that can lead to osteoporosis

. The best test for diagnosing osteoporosis is a scan to determine bone density buy lasix

. Of course the starting point in the skeleton was chosen

which allows better comparison between different people. Hips, forearm, calcaneus

, bifida or are used to, but that it varies depending on local procedures >>. << Who can have a scan DEXA? There are not enough scanners DEXA to the UK to make test

freely available, so no procedure to ensure that the most >> << require scanning. Details of these criteria change in the UK, but may look like

list, in which the presence of any of the factors justifying

DEXA scan. Women older than 50 years was low fracture injury. Perhaps taking oral steroid such as prednisolone 5 mg per day or more

, for three months or more. Female 45 years who had an early menopause or removal

ovaries. People with high levels of alcohol consumption over 50 units of alcohol

week. who drink over 35 units of alcohol a week (see below

). People who are extremely thin, is likely to develop osteoporosis

and the method of determining the fineness is measured yours. People with a BMI of 21 or less, have higher rates of bone loss >> << than those who are heavier and obese people have lower rates of bone loss than

those ideal weight. It is unknown if thin person who knowingly puts on a lot >> << weight will reduce their risk of further fractures. Of course, >> << carries a lot of other health hazards. Historically, the recommended maximum consumption of alcohol

a week were 21 units for women and 28 units for men. High alcohol consumption (more than 50 units per week for men or 35 units >> << women) associated with osteoporosis and another

serious health risks that accompany. It is possible that lower levels of alcohol consumption than >> << it can still damage the bone and be associated with problems such as. Therefore, many experts recommend being below the limits of safe drinking

of 21 units per week for men and 14 units per week for women.

There are some common activities that people can do to change including diet and change their way of life >> << and attitudes to exercise, and taking

or medication prescribed

doctor. .

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